We strongly believe that good treatment outcomes provide a solid foundation for a profitable clinical business. It is a big step to implement evidence-based physiotherapy in clinics and to apply research results in practice, all while taking into account patient’s specific goals. To ensure high quality and strong treatment outcomes there are many needs, including a strong medical background and a uniform treatment strategy. With the market’s best treatment devices a physiotherapist can customize safe and effective exercise programs for clients. An additional “practice-oriented” education lays the foundation for a systematic treatment process. All of these things are taken into account in the DBC concept.
The DBC Concept is an individualized evidence based active physiotherapy treatment approach to manage musculoskeletal disorders. The elements of the DBC cognitive behavioral approach help physios to deliver the proper professional guidance – DBC is not joining or leading a physiotherapy treatment trend, this is what we have always done and we have proven treatment outcomes to prove that what we do works.
Evidence Based Physiotherapy includes scientific evidence, clinical experience, patient’s preferences and individualized programs
The principles of the DBC application of evidence based physiotherapy are described in the Medical Background and CBA
Physiotherapists are serious about providing a high amount of specificity in the exercise movements and training programs that they provide. Since the outset DBC has developed movement specific rehabilitation exercise devices that deliver biomechanically correct movement patterns. The devices target the movement pattern and the muscle groups responsible for the specific movement patterns, localizing the training as much as possible and ensuring a high specificity of training.
DBC has developed devices specific to the lower back, the neck and the shoulder; as well as an extraordinarily versatile leg press for the knee concept. The application of these devices in conjunction with the DBC training protocols assists the therapist in delivering the specificity of training required in the prescription of exercise.